May Daily Challenges ...
Seems that you want more challenges hey??
I had a few emails this week asking if I could put the rest of the May's challenges up on here starting from the first of the month ... so here you go everyone!!
1st May - Inspiration Piece
2nd May - Colour Story - Red White and Blue
3rd May - Memories - Illnesses or Injuries you or someone may have had (can be a memorable one, a list or even how damn healthy you are)
4th May - One Word - Feet
5th May - Sketch Day
6th May - Technique - Crumpling
7th May - Card
8th May - Inspiration - You could use birds, the colours or just being outside - lots of inspiration here
9th May - Colour Story - Black White and Orange
10th May - Memories Day - Scrap your memories of your grandparents, or your childrens' grandparents, or your grandchildren's grandparents
So now that is all the Challenges from the 1st to the 17th (in post below) and I will update to the 24th for you all tomorrow!!
And Don't forget that we will reward you for all your hard work with your Daily Challenges as well. For getting your pages done we would like to offer you a little incentive to you for when you are next shopping at - 5% for doing 10 - 10% for doing 20 - 15% for doing 31 during the next calendar month.
Easy to do, and you can get up to a whopping 15% of every order you place the following month, just for doing what you do...paper scrapping.
Christine M
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